
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

with trem M

Main entry - A main haulage road. Where the coal has cleats, main entries are driven at right angles to the face cleats.

Main fan - A mechanical ventilator installed at the surface; operates by either exhausting or blowing to induce airflow through the mine roadways and workings.

Manhole - A safety hole constructed in the side of a gangway, tunnel, or slope in which miner can be safe from passing locomotives and car. Also called a refuge hole.

Man trip - A carrier of mine personnel, by rail or rubber tire, to and from the work area.

Manway - An entry used exclusively for personnel to travel form the shaft bottom or drift mouth to the working section; it is always on the intake air side in gassy mines. Also, a small passage at one side or both sides of a breast, used as a traveling way for the miner, and sometimes, as an airway, or chute, or both.

Measured coal resources – Coal for which estimates of the rank, quality, and quantity have been computed from sample analyses and measurements from closely spaced and geologically well-known sample sites, such as outcrops, trenches, mine workings, and drill holes. The points of observation and measurement are so closely spaced and the thickness and extent of coals are so well defined that the tonnage is judged to be accurate within 20 percent of true tonnage. Although the spacing of the points of observation necessary to demonstrate continuity of the coal differs from region to region according to the character of the coal beds, the points of observation are no greater than ½ mile apart. Measured coal is projected to extend as a ¼-mile wide belt from the outcrop or points of observation or measurement.

Meridian – A surveying term that establishes a line of reference. The bearing is used to designate direction. The bearing of a line is the acute horizontal angle between the meridian and the line. Azimuths are angles measured clockwise from any meridian.

Methane – A potentially explosive gas formed naturally from the decay of vegetative matter, similar to that which formed coal. Methane, which is the principal component of natural gas, is frequently encountered in underground coal mining operations and is kept within safe limits through the use of extensive mine ventilation systems.

Methane monitor - An electronic instrument often mounted on a piece of mining equipment, that detects and measures the methane content of mine air.

Mine development - The term employed to designate the operations involved in preparing a mine for ore extraction. These operations include tunneling, sinking, cross-cutting, drifting, and raising.

Mine mouth electric plant – A coal burning electric-generating plant built near a coal mine.

Miner - One who is engaged in the business or occupation of extracting ore, coal, precious substances, or other natural materials from the earth's crust.

Mineral - An inorganic compound occurring naturally in the earth's crust, with a distinctive set of physical properties, and a definite chemical composition.

Mining Engineer - A person qualified by education, training, and experience in mining engineering. A trained engineer with knowledge of the science, economics, and arts of mineral location, extraction, concentration and sale, and the administrative and financial problems of practical importance in connection with the profitable conduct of mining.

Misfire - The complete or partial failure of a blasting charge to explode as planned.

MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration; the federal agency which regulates coal mine health and safety.

Mud cap - A charge of high explosive fired in contact with the surface of a rock after being covered with a quantity of wet mud, wet earth, or sand, without any borehole being used. Also termed adobe, dobie, and sandblast (illegal in coal mining).

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