
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

with term L

Lamp - The electric cap lamp worn for visibility. Also, the flame safety lamp used in coal mines to detect methane gas concentrations and oxygen deficiency.

Layout - The design or pattern of the main roadways and workings. The proper layout of mine workings is the responsibility of the manager aided by the planning department.

Lift - The amount of coal obtained from a continuous miner in one mining cycle.

Liquefaction – The process of converting coal into a synthetic fuel, similar in nature to crude 
oil and/or refined products, such as gasoline.

Lithology - The character of a rock described in terms of its structure, color, mineral composition, grain size, and arrangement of its component parts; all those visible features that in the aggregate impart individuality of the rock. Lithology is the basis of correlation in coal 
mines and commonly is reliable over a distance of a few miles.

Load - To place explosives in a drill hole. Also, to transfer broken material into a haulage device.

Loading machine - Any device for transferring excavated coal into the haulage equipment.

Loading pocket - Transfer point at a shaft where bulk material is loaded by bin, hopper, and chute into a skip.

Longwall Mining – One of three major underground coal mining methods currently in use. Employs a steal plow, or rotation drum, which is pulled mechanically back and forth across a face of coal that is usually several hundred feet long. The loosened coal falls onto a conveyor for removal from the mine.

Loose coal - Coal fragments larger in size than coal dust.

Low voltage - Up to and including 660 volts by federal standards.

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