
Tuesday 18 July 2017

EOM 1 paper 10

46,As per indian standerds steep mines means having seam dip(in deg)..?,
0-5,5-18,18-40,above 40,

47,As per indian standerds deep mines means if the seam lying depth from surface is..?,
Less than 200m,200-450,450-600m,above 600m,

48,In deg I mines the % of inflammable gas is ..?,
lessthan 0.1,0.1to1,1-10,above10,

49,A gallery which cuts across the pillers due to its drivage along an apperent dip is called..?,

50,The max width of the gallery in indian coal mines is ....?,

Ans:3, 2, 1, 1, 3

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