
Tuesday 30 May 2017

Complete procedure for shot firer

The whole procedure which the shot firer has to follow to fire shots using electric detonators is outlined below.
1. Test shot holes for breaks. If a crack is found, the hole shall not be charged.
2. Test for gas from the hole and within 18 m of the hole.
3. See that the shot hole is 150 mm less than the depth of the cut, if a coal cutting machine is used.
4. Mark direction of the shot hole on the roof or side where practicable.
5. Charge the hole with explosive; insert the primer last of all. Don't force a primed cartridge into a shot hole of small size.
6. Stem the hole, first lightly and then hard, upto its mouth.
7. Spray stone dust or water within 18 m of the area.
8. Warn the workers to clear up and post helpers at suitable places 27 m away in approach roads to prevent workers inadvertently entering the area.
9. Lay out the shot firing cable.
10. Test again for gas within 18 m.
11. Couple the firing cable to detonator wires. If more than one shot is to be fired, all connections 'of detonator leads should be in series.
12. Take shelter.
13. Couple shot firing cable ends to the exploder.
14. Shout warnings again; ensure that workers have taken shelter, and fire the shots by a sharp twist of the exploder key. If the charge does not explode, try again with a sharp twist of the exploder key.
15. Allow the fumes and gases to clear.
16. Return to the shot hole, examine the roof, sides and timber supports and shout "all clear" for the workers to return to their work if the place is safe. Otherwise, have it dressed by dressers, and supported by timber men before workers enter it.
At the end of the shift the shotfirer should write a report about the quantity of explosives blasted and the place of blasting.

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